Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Black Forest Putih Telur

*********************** Putih telur dikulkas banyak sudah dibuat masakan, puding tetap 
masih banyak aya.Terpaksa cari resep kue yang pake putih telur .Mau buat macaron tapi
............................tapi sudah ngak punya almond bubuk. Lagi liat-liat resep di google lalu
..............................ketemu resep black forest putih telur.
..................Terus aja deh kubuat cake ini. Setelah jadi ngak terasa bahwa ini cake dari putih telur.
Karena cakenya lembut dan moist.Kebetulan di kulkas masih ada sisa whippen cream , cherry merah
kiwi hijau, mandarin orange dan coklat raisin.
Setelah dihias jadilah cakenya seperti ini. Kemudian dipotong ,bagi keponakan habis kalau ngak 
cake ini cake ngak bakalan habis,sayangkan kalau kebuang jadi mubajir.

Opera Cake for Betsi

Coba buat Opera Cake ,semua yang makan bilang kuenya enak dan ngak terlalu manis.
Bahannya mengunakan almond powder, tapi ngak terasa dari almond. Kuenya semua bilang 
benaran enak. Terima kasih yah pujiannya.

Avocado Mousse Cake

Dapat avocado banyak dari keponakan saya. Karena dia punya pohonnya, buahnya banyak sekali.
Saking banyaknya sudah dibuat juice alpukat, puding alpukat,  tapi masih ada banyak. ketemu resep Avocado Mousse cake ini , langsung aja di buat. Resep nyontek dari
............................Double you cakes. Terima kasih atas resepnya. Filling Avocado mousse nya enak.
Bahan :
* 400 gr Avocado.
* 100 gr gula pasir.
* 100 gr Fresh milk.
....18 gr gelatin bubuk.
....75 ml air matang.
....300 gr whipped cream.
....pewarna hijau secukupnya.
Chocolate Ganache:
* 300 gr chocolate compound.
* 300 gr whipped cream.
* 20 gr butter.
Cara Membuat :
1. Siapkan 1 buah sponge cake coklat, bagi menjadi 3 bagian yang tipis, sisihkan.(saya hanya bagi 2).
2.Siapkan fillingnya, blender avocado, gula pasir dan susu hingga larut dan avocado lembut.sisihkan.
3.Steam gelatine dengan air sampai larut, kocok whipped cream hingga kaku, campur adonan dan 
gelatine ke dalam kocokan whipped cream, aduk rata.tambahkan pewarna hijau, aduk rata..
4.Siapkan Ganache coklat. Panaskan Whipped cream, matikan api, masukkan coklat compound,
aduk hingga coklat cair, tambahkan butter, aduk rata.
5,Masukkan 1 bagian spongecake kedalam ring bulat yang sama dengan sponge cake.
Beri simple syrup,tuangkan 1/2 bagian adonan avocado mousse, bekukan.
6.Masukkan lagi 1 bagian sponge cake, beri simple syrup, tuangkan semua adonan ganache diatasnya
bekukan kembali, masukkan kembali 1 bagian spongecake yang terakhir, beri simple syrup,
tuangkan sisa avovado mousse, bekukan.
7. Keluarkan dari freezer, hias sesuai selera.

*Jangan lupa, harus tetap disimpan di freezer, paling ngak di chiller.... biar adonan moussenya ngak 
meleber kemana2... cake ini ngak tahan disuhu ruang terlalu lama.,selain tampilannya jadi jelek 
dan rasanya juga akan merubah jadi kecut.

Pasta with Sausage in a Creamy Pesto Sauce

Ingredients :
* 1 1/2 lbs of italian turkey sausage, casing removes.
* 1 lbs taghiatelie pasta or any other thick ribbon pasta.
* 2tbsp of Olive Oil.
* 2 Cloves of garlic minced.
* 2 cups of Heavy Cream.
* 1 cup of  homemade pesto.
* 1/4 cup of fresh Grated Parmiggiano Reggiano.
* Salt and pepper, to taste.
1.Fill a large pot with water and sprinkle in some salt, bring to a boil. Add the pasta and cook according
to package direction, drain well.
2.In a large skillet with high sides, preheat the oil over medium high heat, add the sausage and break it
up with a wooden spoon but don't break it up to much. you want to have some nice chunky sausage
pieces, cook for 4 to 5 minutes or until fully cooked through.
3.Add the garlic and cook for another minute.
4.Add the heavy cream and reduce the heat to medium-low, let it cook for about 3 to 4 minutes or 
until the sauce thickens.
5.Add the pesto to the cream and sausage mixture and let it cook for one minute. Add the sauce to the
drained pasta along with the parmiggiano reggiano, stir everything together well and serve right away.
For Pesto Sauce : (make 3 cups ).
Ingredients :
# 2 cups basil leaves.
# 3 tbsp pine nuts,toasted.
# 2 small cloves of garlic.
# salt and pepper, to taste.
# 1 tsp grated lemon zest.  # 1 tbsp of lemon juice.
# 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil. # 1/4 cup fresh grated parmiggiano reggiano.
1.In a food processor add the basil leave, pine nut, lemon zest, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper.
Start grinding everything up and slowly add the olive oil. Once you have everything combined add it
to a bowl and stir in the parmiggiano reggiano.
2. If you are not using it right away, store in a plastic container and drizzle some oilve oil on the top to
stop the air from going into the basil mixture.

Sambal Goreng Tahu

Bahan :
* 200 gr buncis, potong2. 
* 1 pak tahu putih, potong kotak kecil, goreng setengah matang.
*  1 kaleng telur puyuh.
* 400 ml santan cair.
* 3 lbr daun salam.
* 2 cm lengkuas.
* 1 sdt air asam jawa.
Bumbu Haluskan :
* 6 bh bawang merah 
* 3 siung bawang putih.
* 4 bh cabe merah.
* 3 btr kemiri.
* 1/2 sdt terasi.
* 1 sdt gula merah.
* garam secukupnya.
* minyak goreng untuk menumis.
Cara Membuat :
1. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, masukkan daun salam dan lengkuas.
2. Tambahkan buncis, masak hingga setengah matang.
3.Tuangkan santan cair, didihkan masukkan tahu goreng dan telur puyuh. Masak hingga semua 
matang dan kuah agak menyusut.
4. Tambahkan air asam aduk rata, didihkan. Angkat.sajikan..

Pindang Bandeng

Bahan :
* 1 ekor ikan bandeng yang besar.
* 3 lbr daun salam.
* 500 ml air.
* 6 sdm kecap manis
* 10 bh cabe rawit.
* garam secukupnya.
Bumbu dipanggang :
* 3 bh cabe merah.
* 3 bh bawang merah.
* 4 cm kunyit.
* 2 mata asam jawa.
Cara Membuat :
1.Bersihkan ikan, buang insang dan sisiknya potong ikan menjadi 5 potong cuci bersih .Sisihkan.
2. Kupas bawang merah, kunyit belah menjadi 2..
3. Masukkan ikan dalam panci tambahkan daun salam, dan semua bumbu panggang.
4. Tuangkan sedikit air, garam dan kecap manis. Masak hingga setengah matang.
5.Setelah itu masukkan sisa air tadi, masak sampai ikan matang dengan api sedang dan bumbu meresap.
6. Angkat , sajikan.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake

***************** Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake ********************
...................................... For Victor B-Day January 21 ,2013......................
******************* Ada party dirumah hanya untuk teman-temannya...... sekitar 15 orang.
Cake serta beberapa masakan antara lain : .... Ekado.........
********************************* Chicken Egg Roll*********
..................................................................Mie Goreng...................................
................................................................Ayam Goreng Bumbu Ngohiong........
...............................................................Daging Bumbu Bali................................................
...............................................................Dotted Swiss Cheese Spinach Quiche.......................
..........................................................Penne Sausage and Spinach ..............................................
............................................................. Salad.............................................................................

Red Velvet Cupcake

***************** Red Velvet Cupcake untuk party dirumah Ping-Ping pada tanggal 
*********************** January 12 , 2013************

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Orak-Arik Buncis.

Bahan :
150 gr buncis, iris tipis serong.
    4 btr telur,  beri sedikit air, kocok lepas..
    2 bh lapciong(sausage chinnese), iris serong.
    3 siung bawang putioh, haluskan.
    1 sdm minyak wiyen.
    1/2 sdt merica bubuk.
    1 sdt garam.
  Minyak goreng untuk menumis.
Cara Membuat :
1. Panaskan wajan, goreng telur hancurkan/ cacah2. sisihkan
2. Tumis bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan buncis masak hingga buncis matang.
3. Tambahkan lapciong, telur goreng masak sampai semua matang.
4. Beri garam, merica bubuk dan minyak wiyen. aduk rata. Angkat.

Banana Sponge Cake

********************* Banyak pisang bosan dimakan gitu aya........ terpaksa dibuat ...
..........................cake, tapi pisangnya ngak semua dihaluskan, sebagian diambil untuk dipotong-
***********potong bulat untuk diatasnya.
............Nah sekarang kelihatankan jadi cantik dan cakenya lembut....... dan cakenya ngak ter-
...........................................lalu manis rasanya........

Red Velvet Cake

Red Velvet Cake ini untuk Christmas Dinner 2012.Cake ini sangat lembut dan moist.
Pada Christmas tahun ini yang datang 30 orang .
.......Menurut mereka katanya cakenya enak sekali.Cuma sayang dekornya ngak bagus.
...... dan warnanya kurang merah,****** tapi yang pentingkan rasanya.....
.....................resep dari waspada online.........................


Bahan :
200 gr daging babi samcan, potong 3. bagian.
150 gr usus babi, cuci bersih,rebus dengan merica bulat. Angkat,
100 gr darah babi matang.potong 3 bagian
1 ikat sawi asin, bagi 3 ikat.
2 bh kentang, kupas.
3 bh tahu putih, goreng setengah matang.
1 bh bunga pekak., 1/2 sdt merica bubuk.
1 sdm cuka
1 sdm kecap asin.
Kecap manis, garam dan gula pasir.secukupnya.
Bumbu haluskan :
3 siung bawang putih.
4 bh bawang merah.
Cara membuat :
1.Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum.
2.Masukkan daging samcan, masak sampai daging berubah warna.
3. Tambahkan bunga pekak dan air ( 1000 ml) didihkan.
4. Masukkan usus, darah, cuka, kecap manis, kecap asin, garam,merica bubuk dan gula pasir.
5.Masak sampai semua empuk, baru masukkan kentang, sawi asin dan tahu goreng.
6. Setelah semua matang cicipi rasanya, kalau sudah pas. Angkat dan hidangkan.

Daging Bumbu Rujak

Bahan :
 250 gr daging sapi,potong-potong.
300 ml santan cair.
2-3 lbr daun jeruk.
1 btg serai, memarkan.
2 cm lengkuas.
3 lbr daun salam.
minyak goreng untuk menumis.
Bumbu haluskan :
5 bh cabe merah.
3 btr kemiri.
1/2 sdt jahe bubuk.
3 siung bawang putih.
4 bh bawang merah.
1 sdt ketumbar.
1/2 sdt gula pasir.
Garam secukupnya.
Cara Membuat :
1. Rebus daging dengan api kecil, hingga empuk. sisihkan.
2.Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, masukkan daun jeruk, daun
   salam, serai .
3. Masukkan santan cair, biarkan sampai mendidih. Tambahkan ke daging rebusan tadi (1).
4.Masak sampai kuah berkurang (asat) dan mengental.Cicipi.
5.Angkat, sajikan.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Bahan :
175 gr udang basah.
  75 gr ayam giling.
  20 btr telur puyuh rebus, kupas.
kembang tahu yang tipis.
1/2 sdt  soda kue.
benang kasur untuk mengikat.
Bahan B :
 1/2 sdt garam halus.
1/2 sdt vetsin (saya tidak pakai).
3 sdm sagu/tepung tapioka.
1/4 sdt merica bubuk.
1/2 sdt minyak wijen. , 1 sdt gula pasir.
1 sdt ang ciu/ sake.
2 sdm kecap asin/ kecap ikan.
25 cc putih telur.
2 sdm lemak ayam (saya tidak pakai).
Cara Membuat :
1. Kupas udang, buang kotorannya lalu diberi soda kue. sishkan.
2. Kemudian udang dilap sampai kering (supaya kenyal) kemudian dicincang.
3.Campur udang dengan garam, merica bubuk, ang ciu, minyak wijen, kecap asin,
    gula pasir dan 1 sdm sagu aduk rata.
4. Tambahkan ayam cincang, 2 sdm sagu/tepung tapioka aduk rata, tambahkan minyak ayam
   ( dari lemak ayam yang dipanaskan) terakhir masukkan putih telur aduk rata.
5.Ambil kembang tahu yang sudah direndam dengan air dingin, potong ukuran 12x 12 cm.
   Isi dengan adonan isi dan beri 1 butir telur puyuh rebus, ikat dengan benang kasur.
6. Kukus selama 15 menit.
7.Pada saat akan digoreng lepaskan dahulu benangnya, baru digoreng, sajikan.
Sambal /sauce :
Bahan :
5 sdm sauce tomat.
2 sdm cabe giling/sambal botol.
2 sdm mayonnaise.
2 sdm air jeruk nipis.
2 sdt gula pasir.
1/4 sdt garam halus.
Aduk semua bahan jadi satu.          

Sumber dr bumbudapur,

Chicken Egg Roll

Bahan A :
300 gr ayam giling.
 50 gr lemak ayam potong kecil-kecil.
Bahan B :
1 sdt ang ciu/sake.
1 sdt kecap asin/kikkoman.
1 sdt garam
1 sdt gula pasir.
2 sdm minyak ayam.
40 cc putih telur.
1 sdt minyak wijen.
1 sdt sasa( saya tidak pakai).
1 sdt merica bubuk.
1 sdt bawang putih goreng , haluskan.
1 sdm munjung maizena/ custard powder.
Bahan C :
4 btr telur ukuran sedang.
80 gr tepung terigu.
20 gr custard powder(agar kuning) jika tidak ada pakai maizena.
160 cc air.
1 sdt garam.
1 sdt vetsin( saya tidak pakai).
1 sdm mentega cair.
Cara Membuat :
1. Satukan bahan A, masukkan bahan B aduk sampai rata.
2. Dari bahan C; kocok telur, garam, masukkan terigu, custard/maizena, mentega cair aduk
    pakai tangan hingga rata, lalu saring dan buat dadar tipis-tipis,Jadi kira-kira 6 lembar dadar.
3.Isi dadar dengan 1/3 bagian adonan isi , lalu gulung seperti lumpia/egg roll.
   Rekatkan dengan campuran terigu, air  yang menyerupai pasta.
4.Kukus selama 20 menit.
5. Setela dingin, potong-potong dan goreng  hingga kuning. Sajikan.

resep dr : masakan Indonesia.

Dotted swiss and Spinach Quiche

1 box pillsbury refigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box.
2 tsp honey mustard or sweet hot mustard.
1 tsp milk.
1 tbsp sesame seed.
Filling :
1 tbsp butter or margarine.
1/4 cup chopped greenonion ( 4 medium).
1 cup frozen cut leaf spinach, thawed,well drained.
1/2 cup finely chopped cooked ham ( 2 oz).
1/2 tsp dried thyme leaves
1/4 cup pillsbury best all purpose flour.
1/8 tsp pepper.
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg.
1 cup whipping cream.
3 eggs.
1 cup shredded swiss cheese ( 4oz).
2 tbsp sesame seed, toasted**
1.Place pie crust in 9-inch glass pie pan as directed on box for One-Crust Filled Pie. Brush mustard
   over bottom of crust.Brush edge of crust with milk.Press 1 tbsp sesame seed onto crust edge.
2.Place oven rack in lowest rack position in oven; heat oven to 400 degree F. In 8-inch skillet,
  melt butter over medium heat.Add onions; cook and stir until crisp-tender.Stir in spinach,ham
 and thyme.Reduce heat to low;cook until spinach is throughly heated. Spread spincah mixture over
 mustard in bottom of crust.
3. In small bowl, beat flour, pepper, nutmeg, whipping cream and eggs with wire whisk until
     well blended. Pour egg mixture over spinach layer sprinkle with cheese and 2 tbsp toasted
   sesame seed.
4.Place quiche on lowest oven rack in oven; bake 35 to 40 minutes or until knife inserted in center
  comes out clean and crust edge is golden brown. After 15 to 20 minutes of baking, cover crust
  edge with strips of foil to prevent excessive browning. Cool 5 minutes before serving.

***To quickly thaw frozen spinach, place in colander or strainer; rinse with warm water until
      thawed. Squeeze spincah to drain well.*** To toast sesame seed, spread on cookie sheet;
      bake at 400 dregree 3 to 5 minutes or until light golden brown.

Baked Penne with Sausage

Ingredients :
16 oz barilla penne pasta.
1 lb pork sausage.
15 oz sargento part-skin ricotta cheese.
1 egg.
1 medium yellow onion.,chopped
4 oz. baby spinach.
26 oz. bove tomato sauce.
4 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese.
4 oz. grated parmesan cheese.
1 tsp basil,dried.
2 tsp minced garlic.
1 tsp oregano, dried.
1/2 tsp kosher salt.
1/2 tsp ground black pepper.
1.Preheat an oven to 350 degree F( 175 degree C).Grease a baking dish 9 x 13 inch.
2.Fill a large pot with lightly salted water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Once the
   water is boiling, stir in the pasta, and return to a boil.Cook the pasta uncoverd,stirring
   occasionally until the pasta has cooked through,but is still firm to the bite about 8 minutes.
  Drain will a colander. set in the sink.
3.While pasta is cooking, heat a large skillet over medium heat, add the sausage and cook
   and stir until brown about 10 minutes. Add spincah 3 minutes before the sausage is done.
  Drain sausage and spinach. set aside.
4.Stir together the ricotta cheese,egg,onion,garlic, parmesan cheese and oregano in a large bowl,
   until combined.Stir in the drain pasta, the drained sausage and spinach, salt,pepper and 1/2 jar
of the spaghetti sauce, mix well.
5.In the prepared baking dish,cover the bottom with 1/3 jar of spaghetti sauce, layer 1/2 of the
  pasta mixture, 1/3 jar of spaghetti sauce and 1/2 of  the shredded cheese. Than layer the
  remaining 1/2 of  pasta, 1/3 of the sauce and 1/2 of the cheese. Sprinkle  with basil. Cover
  the dish tightly with foil.
6.Bake in the prehated oven until heated through about 20 minutes, Uncover return to the oven
 and bake until cheese melted,5 to 10 minutes or more.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Homemade Fresh Pumpkin Pie

Ingredients :
2 2/3 cup allpurpose flour.
1 tsp salt.
1 cup shortening.
1/2 cup cold water.
2 cup mashed cooked pumpkin.
1(12 fluid ounce) can evaporated milk.
2 eggs, beaten.
3/4 cup packed brown sugar.
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon.
1/2 tsp ground ginger.
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg.
1/2 tsp salt.

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F ( 200 degrees C).
2. Prepare pie crust by mixing together the flour and salt. Cut shortening into flour, add 1 tbsp
    water to mixture at a time. Mix dough and repeat until dough is moist enough to hold together.
3. With lightly floured hands shape dough into a ball. On a lightly floured board roll dough out
     to 1/8 inch thickness.
4.     With a sharp knife, cut dough 1 1/2 inch large than upside down 8 to 9 inch pie pan.
    Gently roll the dough around the rolling pan and transfer it right side up on to the pie pan.
    unroll, ease dough into the bottom of the pie pan.
5. In large bowl with mixer speed on medium , beat pumpkin with evaporated milk, eggs, brwon
    sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and salt. Mix well. Pour into a prepared crust.
6.Bake 40 minutes or until when a knife is inserted 1 inch from the edge comes out clean....
........Adapted from world news....    .

Italian Meatfloaf

Ingredients :
1 1/2 pounds of ground turkey.
1 small onion,finely chopped.
2 cloves of garlic, minced.
2 tbsp of olive oil, divided.
1 raw egg.
1/4 of plain bread crumbs.
2 tbsp of whole milk.
4 ouncess of italian salami,finely chopped.
1/2 cup of sharp provolone, finely diced.
1/4 cup of parmiggiano Reggiano.
4 hard boiled eggs, peeled.

Directions :
1. Cook the onion and garlic in 1 tbsp of olive oil for 5 to 6 minutes. Let it cool.
2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper
    and drizzle a little olive oil to stop meatloaf from sticking.
3. In a large bowl, mix together the cooled onion and garlic mixture, parsley, bread
    crumbs, parmiggiano, raw egg, the remaining 1 tbsp of olive oil, milk and the salami.
   Season with salt and pepper, add the turkey and mix until everything is combined but
  don't overwork the meat.
4. Dump the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet and flatten out. To get rid of any
   air pockets, add 1/2 of the provolone along the middle lengthwise and place the 4 hard
   boiled eggs on top. Add the remaining provolone around the eggs and carefully shape
 into a loaf covering the eggs making sure its all the same thickness so it cooks evenly.
5. Bake for 45 to 55 minutes and let cool for a few minutes before serving.

Classic Cheesebruger Macaroni.


1 pound lean ground beef.
1 1/3 cup hot water.
2 1/2 cup milk.
1 package Hamburger helper classic cheeseburger macaroni.

Direction :
 1. Brown ground beef in 10-12 inch skillet.
    Remove from the heat, drain.
2.Stir in sauce mix and hot water until dissolved. Stir in milk and uncooked pasta.
    Return to heat; heat to boiling, stirring occasionally.
3.Reduce heat, cover , simmer about 12 minutes. Stirring occasionally, until pasta
   is tender.
4.Remove from heat, uncover ( sauce will thicken )..

Ayam Gulung Ham

Bahan :
 4 bh dada ayam tanpa tulang.
 8 bh keju lembaran.
8 lbr ham/daging asap.
150 gr tepung panir.
4 butir telur, kocok lepas.
1 sdt garam.
1 sdt merica/lada bubuk.
2 sdm air jeruk nipis.

Cara membuat :
1. Potong dada ayam menjadi 2 bagian sama besar.
2.Pukul-pukul setiap lembar dada ayam hingga melebar.
3.Lumuri dengan air jeruk nipis, merica dan garam lalu remas-remas hingga rata.
4.Ambil 1 lembar ayam, lapisi dengan keju dan ham .
5.Lalu gulung sambil dipadatkan.
6.Celupkan pada telur kocok, lalu lumuri dengan tepung panir.
7.Simpan dalam kulkas selama satu jam .
8Goreng ayam hingga kuning kecoklatan, angkat. Sajikan.

Bacon Wrapped Pork Roast

Ingredients :
1 pork loin (1 1/2 pounds)
Salt and pepper.
1 tbsp olive oil.
2 tbsp finely chopped fresh rosemary.
1/4 lbs bacon.
1 cup white wine.

Method :
1.Preheat oven to 375 degree F. Pat pork roast dry with paper towels. Season pork roast with
   salt and pepper.Heat oil in a large cast-iron skillet over medium heat. Sear pork on all sides until
   browed, about 10 minutes total. Remove from heat.
2. Rub pork with chopped rosemary, wrap with bacon,overlapping strips slightly. Tie pork roast
    with kitchen string.
3. Roast in oven, basting occasionally with cooking juices, until internal temperature is 145 degree F
    on a meat thermometer, for 35 - 49 minutes.
   Remove from oven. Transfer pork to a serving dish.
4. Make pan sauce. Place the roasting skillet on the stove top over low heat. Add the white wine
    and deglaze the pan, stirring with a wooden spoon and scrap up any browned bits from the
   pan bottom. Pour through a fine mesh sieve into small saucepan. Skip off the fat.
5.Reheat to serving temperature if necessary.